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I am looking for a novel it was a story about a desert royalty (i think) that meets a girl in a party at one of the most expensive hotel in the desert and fell inlove with her since. Then i dont know how many years had pass but the girl returned and was already married, the husband planned a tour with his wife, the royalty disguises himself as the tour guide.later in the story the husband was missing during a sandstorm,declared dead. the woman a widow requested to return to the hotel but the tour guide disagrees and his convoy will not accept any request or command from the woman also disagrees.
And the story cont. The woman follows him and notices that his people shows great respect towards him. And discovers that he is a royalty. And like her, his mother was an english woman who was abducted by his father. And the ending is something like this. The prince invited the woman in a date at the rooftop with a choice of wearing an english dress or the dress of the prince people.. the woman decides to dress as one of his people but fancier while the prince wears an englishman suit..

Please help me find this book. I read this book when i was 13 years old. Now im 27 i dont know if i gave a clear discription about that book.


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