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I also searching for this film so many years ago, but cant find it. Thanks for the tip, but this story is not the one we searching for.

I also remember some other moments of the film:

The woman has darker brown very long hair, she has two children (boy and girl) from the abusive husband. The woman in the beginning was a very fine young girl, then she married to a man, but soon after the marriage the husband goes very violent, he also flog the woman. He abused her, she cant go anywhere, he was very jealous to anybody. Than the husband want to beat the children, so one night she tailored into all the gems she had to his skirt, and in the dark they escaped. They ran into the woods (autumn), but bandits found them and got the skirt with the gems...
They went to a big city, where the woman hiding, and had to do some low key jobs (cleaning etc..) for food and place for three of them. After some time, in a park she met a fine young lord somehow who saw in her a fine woman who she were before. They fall in love, but the husband found the woman and she had to go back if she didnt want that the husband kill the young lord... so with no word for the new lover she go back to the husband, but the new lover find the letter and go after her. In the end they fight and the husband die by the hand of the fine young lord.

Anybody new the story and the film, I am searching for this for soo many years. Maybe I saw this in the late 90s in Tv.


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